“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” (Psam 91:1)

If we are going to be healthy, vibrant people, we must come to terms with the reality that we are not masters of the universe. We are living in unprecedented times. There seems to be a lot of fear these days. Fear of Brexit, fear of terrorist attacks, fear of

unemployment and fear of growing debt. As we look out into the future, there is a great deal of uncertainty. There is not one person who is not wondering what is going to happen next and how it will impact him and his family.” When people face periods of economic uncertainty, there are two fundamental needs that are threatened; your need for significance and your need for security. For some people, their security is based on their work,

achievement, money, position and standard of living, whilst for others it is children, marriage and family. However, when a

traumatic event shakes the very thing you are counting on?

Redundancy, broken marriages, unruly children, debt, illness, premature death of a loved one, are traumas that can shake the very foundations of misplaced security. Psalm 91 is about God covering for us and it’s about our experience of His covering. It’s about the security, gratitude, and freedom from fear that a

believer in Christ can have when he or she really knows that the Lord is there for him or her. “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High “shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Abide in the sense of calm, security and confidence. This is a song about the total security and rest that you can have in Christ.

God intends for every Christian, to have a solid sense of security in this unsafe and insecure world. He has made us not to be self-sufficient or self-reliant but to find our security in Him. He has made us to be dependent beings, in need of something firm and secure that we can count on in this uncertain and dangerous world. Psalm 91 is about the whole of the Christian life and how the Lord’s promises apply His security to the whole course of our earthly journey. If you look for security in things and people

besides the Lord, you will remain vulnerable and unsecure. However, if you put your trust in the Lord, you will receive

deliverance from evil (Psa. 91:3), comfort and assurance (Psa. 91:4), certainty of experiencing a good outcome (Psa. 91:9-10), supernatural protection (Psa. 91:11-12) and victory over

temptation (Psa. 91:13).

The only way God will cover for you in life, and the only way you will have any assurance of being covered is if He is your God. If you have committed yourself personally to Jesus Christ and His promises. Then you will be able to confidently declare that “He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust Him” (Psa. 91:2). Remain blessed.

E. O. Medaiyese, Snr. Pastor.

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